DIY Protein Skimmer From a Water Bottle

Protein skimmers are essential pieces of equipment for marine fish keeping. The stream of ultra fine bubbles that are produced trap molecules of organic material and push this waste from the skimmer column into a cup. The great benefit to this principle is that metabolic fish products, such as feces and urine, are completely removed from the aquarium before they break down and lower the water quality. Although essential, protein skimmers are expensive pieces of equipment to purchase. Fortunately, the DIY hobbyist can easily make an effective skimmer from a simple soft drink bottle.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic soft drink bottle, 1 quart
  • Air pump
  • Non-toxic 100 percent silicone sealer
  • Wooden air stone
  • 3 feet air tubing, 1/4 inch diameter
  • Small plastic bowl, 1/4 pint
  • 2 plastic clamps
  • Plastic cable tie
  • Carpet knife
  • 4 inches nylon string
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    • 1

      Cut away the bottom of the 1 quart plastic soft drink bottle using the carpet knife.

    • 2

      Cut three 1/4 inches wide, 2 inch long slits around the circumference of the bottle, just below the neck.

    • 3

      Cut a hole in the bottom of the small bowl, large enough to just fit over the threaded spout of the soft drink bottle.

    • 4

      Place the bottom of the bowl over the bottle spout and using the 100 percent silicone sealer, glue the plastic bowl onto the outside neck of the soft drink bottle. Spread the silicone around the section where the bowl and bottle meet, so as to ensure a water-tight join. Spread the silicone both on the outside and on the inside of the bowl.

    • 5

      Connect the wooden air stone to the 1/4-inch diameter air tubing.

    • 6

      Connect the free end of the air tubing to the air pump. Position the air pump on a ledge above the aquarium.

    • 7

      Push the wooden air stone and attached air line into the bowl and down through the soft drink bottle, until it is approximately 2 inches from the bottom of the bottle.

    • 8

      Place the plastic clamp onto the air pipe near the air pump.

    • 9

      Place a plastic cable tie around the neck of the bottle and tighten. Tie one end of the nylon string to the cable tie.

    • 10

      Position the bottle in one of the back corners of the aquarium, with the bowl just above the water level. Place the loose end of the nylon over the rim of the aquarium and secure with the second plastic clamp.

    • 11

      Turn on the air pump. Adjust the flow of bubbles by tightening or opening the clamp.