How to Drill a Glass Tank

Many specialized aquariums require the use of closed-looped filters, wave generators and other devices to create the perfect aquatic environment for your fish. Adding new equipment to your aquarium may require you to drill holes into the tank. Drilling a hole in your glass aquarium may seem like a risky process, but with the proper tools and careful attention the task can be easily completed in a timely manner.

Things You'll Need

  • Drill
  • Diamond core drill bit
  • Plastic cup
  • Duct tape
  • Water
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Empty your aquarium, ensure that all surfaces are dry and place on a stable surface with plenty of working space. It is important that you have plenty of room available so that you can work in a comfortable position in order to drill correctly.

    • 2

      Place duct tape on the inside portion of the glass where you plan to drill the hole. This will hold the excess glass in place and prevent it from falling, which may cause damage to your aquarium.

    • 3

      Position the aquarium so that you can drill the hole in a vertical position. This will allow you to utilize the weight of the drill and easily maintain an even pressure on the glass.

    • 4

      Cut the top 2 inches off from a plastic cup to create a small plastic ring.

    • 5

      Place the plastic cup ring over the area that you want to drill and duct tape to the glass in order to create a water-tight seal.

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      Add a thin layer of water to the cup ring. The water will dissipate the heat caused by drilling and help prevent the glass from cracking.

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      Attach your diamond core drill bit to your drill and apply firm, steady pressure when drilling the glass.