How Do I Keep Elodea Leaf Alive?

The perennial aquatic plant elodea, also called waterweed, is native to North America and is widely employed as the generic aquarium vegetation because of its ability to naturally produce oxygen and regulate nutrients. All things considered, it is an easy plant to keep alive and thrives in conditions identical to its cousin, the anacharis, also called the Brazilian elodea, which is another healthy fish bowl favorite.

Things You'll Need

  • Large aquarium
  • CO2 fertilizer
  • Aquatic plant fertilizer
  • Elodea cuttings
  • pH detector
  • Alkalinity detector
  • Sand or gravel
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      Plant your elodea in loose sand or gravel in either tropical or coldwater tanks with ample space to grow. With enough fertilizer, you don't need to be concerned about filling your tanks with moderately "hard" water from your tap. Elodea grows and multiplies prolifically and can take up 2 additional inches of space a day.

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      Plant your elodea in close groups around the edges of the backs of your tank. This will allow fish "cover" and create a more natural interaction between fish and plant. It will also allow you an unobstructed view into your tank.

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      Fertilize your plants. Use a cocktail of CO2 fertilizer and a high-quality aquarium fertilizer. In tropical tanks, provide your plants with additional treatments of both types of fertilizer.

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      Install in your tank's light housing or directly above your tank 5,000-7,000k bulbs with at least 2 watts to each gallon of water. This will provide adequate light to the plants and enable photosynthesis--essential for introducing oxygen into your tank's environment.

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      Keep the water temperature in the tank between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain a neutral 7 pH and do not let the water stray beyond .5 either direction. Encourage your elodea to grow by sustaining an alkalinity between 3 and 8 dKH.

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      Thin and pinch your elodea often. This encourages growth and will keep the foliage full.

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      Cultivate new plants by snipping pieces off of your healthier looking, mature plants. Introduce these cuttings to the aquarium and augment the tank's fertility with a dose of both the CO2 and basic aquatic plant fertilizers.