How To Set Up a New 10 Gallon Freshwater Fish Tank

Setting up a new aquarium can be a daunting process. Where does the filter go? What substrate should be used? When is it ready for fish? There are 101 questions for the new aquarist and it can take a lot of research to get a true grip on the basics of fish keeping. Setting up the tank correctly takes time and patience, but it really pays off when the fish are thriving in a healthy, stable environment.

Things You'll Need

  • 10 gallon fish tank
  • Submersible heater-stat
  • Thermometer
  • Filter
  • Inert aquarium gravel or sand
  • Decorations
  • Bucket
  • Shallow bowl
  • Jug
  • Water conditioner
  • Bleach
  • Sponge
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  1. Cleaning the Tank

    • 1

      Set on a stable surface and check for any breaks or other defects. Fill the tank with fresh water.

    • 2

      Wipe over internal surfaces with sponge and add a half a capful of bleach. Mix well and leave for several hours.

    • 3

      Empty tank and refill with fresh cold water. Add double dose of water conditioner and mix well. Wipe tank down with the sponge. Empty the tank and leave to dry.

    • 4

      Rinse the substrate in a bucket, mixing well and replacing water as it gets cloudy. Continue until water remains clear. Drain bucket.

    Setting Up

    • 5

      Place the tank in your intended location. Ensure the tank is out of direct sunlight and not near a heater or air conditioning unit. Avoid locations near doors or routes through the house. Ensure any stand or table you use is stable and capable of holding the weight of the tank when filled.

    • 6

      Construct the filter and heater according the manufacturer's instructions, adding any media or guards as necessary. Gently rinse the filter and heater in fresh water and place in tank according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    • 7

      Add a layer of rinsed substrate to the bottom of the tank that is 1 inch deep at the front and 2 inches deep at the back.

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      Fill a bucket with freshwater and add a dose of water conditioner according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    • 9

      Place the shallow bowl in the tank and use the jug to add the water into the aquarium, pouring it onto the bowl so that the substrate is not disturbed. Fill the tank halfway. Remove the bowl.

    • 10

      Add decorations and plants to the tank. Always remove the pots or lead weights from plants and remove the bottom 2 inches of leaves from stem plants. Ensure all decorations are fish-safe. Decorations with moving parts, metal parts or small holes are often unsafe for fish, despite being sold for aquariums.

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      Fill the tank to the top with the remaining water. Allow the tank to settle for 20 minutes, then turn the heater and filter on. Any cloudiness in the water should subside after a few days, during which time the water will settle and the tank will reach the desired temperature.