Aquarium Aquascape Ideas

Creating your own aquarium can be a fun and relaxing hobby, and changing the appearance of the tank from time to time can make it even more interesting. One of the best things about this hobby is the many alternatives you'll have when designing and decorating a tank. From realistic designs to whimsical decor, hobbyists can create just about any type of environment they can imagine.
  1. Driftwood

    • Driftwood is a common sight in the natural habitats of many fish. Hobbyists can recreate that natural environment by incorporating natural or prepared driftwood in their fish tanks. Driftwood can be used to create caves and hiding places for smaller and shier fish. Choose driftwood of various sizes and shades to create a natural look that will not distract attention from the beauty of the fish. While driftwood is available already mounted on pieces of slate, hobbyists can gather and mount their own driftwood using stainless steel hardware to avoid problems with rust.

    Live Plants

    • While today's artificial plants are a far cry from the unnatural colors and textures of a decade ago, even the most carefully crafted plastic plant cannot match the natural look and beauty of the genuine article. Outfitting your tank with real plants instead of artificial carries a number of important benefits, including boosting the oxygen content of the water and giving vegetarian fish extra nutrients. Hobbyists have many plants to choose from, including beginner-friendly varieties such as sword plants and Java ferns.

    Rock Caves

    • Many aquarium fish are natural rock dwellers, and creating caves is one of the best ways to keep those fish happy and healthy. Cichlids in particular will enjoy hiding in caves and setting up their own territories, but many other fish will use and enjoy those rocks as well. Hobbyists can purchase sterilized rocks at their local pet stores, or they can gather their own rocks and sterilize them with hot water. The rocks can be rearranged from time to time to create a different look and feel in the tank.