Aquarium Planting Ideas

Adding live plants to an aquarium can be beneficial in many ways. It can give the aquarium a more natural look, and it can also help regulate the levels of oxygen in the water. Some aquarium plants can even provide the fish living in the aquarium with a supplemental source of food. There are many aquarium plants to choose from, no matter what kind of aquarium you own.
  1. Broadleaved Swordplant

    • The broadleaved swordplant, known scientifically as Echinodorus bleheri, can grow to be upwards of 20 inches tall, and it can be a good choice for a background plant in a small aquarium or a midground plant in a large aquarium. The leaves will grow out of the water unless the roots and leaves are trimmed regularly. They require hard water, bright lights and iron-rich substrates.

    Water Lily

    • There are many species of water lilies, which are collectively known as Nymphaea. These plants float at the top of the aquarium, providing shade below, and they require strong light as well as a minimum of 250 square inches of water surface per plant. They can be perfect for a very large, specialized aquarium, and they'll produce broad leaves with colorful flowers on top.

    Undulated Crypt

    • The undulated crypt is known scientifically as Cryptocoryne undulata. This aquarium plant has leaves that are dark green or brown on the top and copper on the bottom. They are low-care aquarium plants that require a constant environment. When the aquarium is stable, they only need low to moderate lighting and fertilizer to survive. While the plant is also known as alligator weed, there are other plants which are also called by that name, and simply ordering alligator weed will not necessarily get you undulated crypt.


    • Anacharis is also known as Brazillian waterweed and elodea, and scientifically it's called Egeria densa. This plant can be kept in cool water, aquariums or tropical aquariums. They may be rooted in the substrate at the bottom of the tank, or they may be allowed to float. They grow quickly, are easy to propagate, and are known for being good at oxygenating the aquarium.