Christmas moss grows naturally into the shape of a Christmas tree. The Christmas star plant, or Christmas moss, gets its name from the organized triangular shaped fronds that grow naturally into the shape of a Christmas tree. This growth pattern occurs when the moss is able to attach itself to a rigid structure, such as a rock, piece of driftwood or other aquarium feature.
Growing Conditions
Christmas Moss does well in many aquarium environments. Christmas moss is a hardy aquarium plant. It can grow in temperatures ranging from 75 degrees to 84 degrees F. It does well in all ranges of water hardness, and can withstand pH levels of 5.8 to 7.5.
It can continue to grow in low light conditions, but will not be as dense as in higher light volumes. It can also grow as a free floating plant, but the distinct pattern of the moss will be less evident in these conditions.
Decorative Uses
Christmas moss is used in aqua-scaping. Christmas moss is a popular plant for use in aqua-scaping. It can be used to decorate an aquarium, and will cover rocks, driftwood or aquarium sculptures. It is often used to create walls in an aquarium. This is accomplished with the use of thin mesh. The mesh is cut to size, and placed in the aquarium. Christmas moss is tied to the mesh with either light fishing line, or another waterproof material. The plant will grow to cover the mesh, creating a moss wall with interesting patterns and textures.
Alternate Uses
Christmas moss makes a good hiding place for young fish. Free floating Christmas moss is used as a hiding place for fish fry. This moss also provides an excellent source of food for fry, as tiny microscopic organisms are harbored within the plant. As with other aquarium plants, Christmas moss helps to filter debris from the tank and oxygenate the water.
Christmas moss can be used as a covering for the bottom of an aquarium, however, this is not recommended. The plant can easily become overrun with algae and other debris. The best uses of this plant as a decorative covering include the sides, back or middle of the tank.
Before shopping for Christmas moss, educate yourself as to its identification. Be certain to observe the plant in both its free floating and non-floating forms. Other varieties of moss have been misrepresented by online dealers and even local pet stores. Be sure that you know what you are looking for before you make a purchase.
About Christmas Star Aquarium Plants
The Christmas star plant is more commonly known as Christmas moss. Like all mosses and ferns the plant belongs to the larger family of plants known as Taxiphyllum. The plant grows naturally in shaded areas, in both fast and slow moving waters. It can also grow outside of water, as a ground cover in moist, shady areas. It is a common species in tropical areas of Asia.