Saltwater Fish Tank Supply List

Saltwater fish are exotic pets that require special care. The tank and accessories must be similar to the natural habitat of the fish. Fish that are not properly cared for will become stressed and potentially die. With the proper equipment, it is relatively easy to start and maintain a saltwater aquarium. Many aquariums can be found as kits, but you can also purchase all of the necessary equipment separately.
  1. Tank

    • The glass tank must be large enough to house the fish you plan to keep. Tanks that are overcrowded stress the fish and you will risk losing a few. The tank must also have a safe, stable platform measured in advance.


    • Many different types of filters are available. Power filters are common in aquariums because they are easy to manage. In addition to the filter, a protein skimmer can be added to keep the water clean. The protein filter reduces the stress on the power filter and creates clear water for a nice display.


    • Many saltwater fish require a warm water environment for survival. Install an aquarium heater in the tank. When you purchase fish, inquire about the ideal temperature and adjust the heater to create an ideal zone. Monitor the temperature regularly with a thermometer.


    • Rocks, artificial substrate and obstacles are placed on the floor of the tank. Use colors that contrast the colors of the fish. This will make the fish more visible and the exotic colors will stand out.

    Salt and Hydrometer

    • Add sea salt or aquarium salt to the water. Aquarium specific brands will indicate the amount of salt used per gallon. Use the hydrometer to measure and maintain the salinity of the water.


    • Use a powerhead or air rocks to create oxygen and circulate the water. The increased circulation will allow the protein skimmer and the filtration to run smoothly because particles will not settle on the bottom.