How to Clean Marine Aquarium Equipment With Bleach

No matter how large or small your marine tank is, it is important to keep your aquarium equipment clean. Over time, salt water stains, hard water stains and algae can build up on your filters, pumps and decorations. Taking the time to clean these items properly will keep your tank looking clean and your fish healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Bristle brush
  • Soft cloth
  • Bleach
  • Dechlorinator
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    • 1

      Remove the items you want to clean from the tank. Use a bristle brush to remove any large pieces of debris from the items.

    • 2

      Pour one cup of bleach and five gallons of water into a large bucket. Be sure to mix the bleach and water thoroughly.

    • 3

      Place the items to be cleaned in the bucket, making sure they are completely submerged. It is important for the items you need to clean to be completely covered with the bleach and water mixture.

    • 4

      Put the bucket in a location where it will not be disturbed. Allow the items to soak in the bleach and water mixture for a full 24 hours.

    • 5

      Remove the items from the bucket and wipe them off with a clean cloth. Set the items aside and empty the bucket. Rinse the bucket thoroughly with clean water.

    • 6

      Fill the bucket with warm water and submerge the aquarium items again. Fill the bucket with clean water and a dechlorinating solution. Soak the items in the solution until all bleach smell is gone. Test the rinse water using a chlorine test kit to ensure that there is no chlorine remaining on the aquarium items.