List of Sustainable Aquarium Fish

Sustainable aquarium fish are those that are farmed and/or harvested in a responsible manner that does not harm the habitat or other living things in the surrounding environment, including the fish. Keeping an aquarium is a soothing, relaxing and educational hobby for many people. Knowing that the ornamental fish you purchase are raised or harvested in a sustainable manner adds to that enjoyment.
  1. Minnows

    • Minnows, or the family Cyprinidae, make up the largest family of ornamental fish, with more than 2,000 species in 210 genera. These include barbs, danios, rasboras, freshwater sharks and goldfish. They typically originate in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.


    • The family Characidae and related families consist of more than 900 species in 170 genera. Sustainable varieties include black tetra, Buenos Aires tetras, head-and-tail-light tetras, black neon and lemon tetras. Most originate in Central America, South America and Africa, with the Mexican tetra originating in Texas.

    Armored Catfish or Corydoras Catfish

    • There are 130 species and seven genera making up the family Callichthyidae. Those in the genus Corydoras, such as the Paleatus cory, are popular because they are capable of breathing air by swimming quickly to the surface from their normal bottom-dwelling position and gulping a bubble of air. The oxygen from this bubble is extracted in their gut. These ornamental fish originate in South America.

    Suckermouth Armored Catfish or Plecos

    • The large South American family known as the family Loricariidae consists of 550 species in 80 genera, but only a few species like the bushy-nose plecos , bristle-nose plecos, common plecos and the gibbiceps pleco or sailfin plecos are cultured instead of imported, since they require flowing water habitats and breed in caves, under rocks or in holes.


    • Fish such as these come from the families Melanotaeniidae, Pseudomugilidae and others, and originate in Australia and New Guinea, except for the Celebes rainbow fish and the Madagascar rainbow fish, which come from the areas they are named after. Commonly cultured varieties include the red rainbowfish, the common Australian rainbow fish, the Boeseman̵7;s rainbowfish and the neon dwarf rainbow fish.


    • Livebearers of the family Poeciliidae consist of 190 species in 20 genera and were the first to make up the ornamental tropical aquarium fish industry in Florida. They include guppies and mollies as well as platies, swordtails, and variatus They originate in North America, Central America, northern South America and parts of the Caribbean.


    • Cichlids of the Family Cichlidae are also a large group of sustainable aquarium fish. The number of species is estimated between 1,300 and 2,000 in 105 genera, and they are found in many countries throughout the world. Angelfish, discus, eartheaters, oscars, haps, jewel cichlids, kribs, mbuna and Tanganyikans are commonly cultured in Florida.

    Labyrinth Fish

    • Labyrinth fish of the families Osphronemidae and Helostomatidae include about 50 species in 12 genera. Gouramis and paradise fish are commonly cultured in Florida, as is the kissing gouramis. These aquarium fish originate in south and southeast Asia.