How to Use Crushed Coral in Sump

Aquariums can provide a compact, controlled way for people to keep pets and bring nature into their homes. But a successful aquarium requires some specific setup steps and maintenance. A sump is one option for setting up an aquarium. It is a smaller tank that sits outside of the main tank, to hold filtering equipment, breed food sources or provide a refuge for smaller animals. Like the main tank, the sump can be set up with a substrate--foundation--to beautify the tank or even help to maintain the water's chemical balance. Use crushed coral to do both.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Strainer/bowl
  • Crushed coral
  • Filter/pump equipment
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      Rinse your crushed coral before you put it into your tank, to eliminate as much dust and pollution as possible. Pour the crushed coral into a bowl or strainer, and run tap water over it.

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      Put your crushed coral into the sump before you add water to the sump or main tank. Lay a 1 to 2-inch layer of coral along the bottom of the sump.

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      Fill both the sump and main tank with water, and turn on your pump and filtration system to circulate the water through both tanks. Allow your pump to run for at least 2 hours before you introduce any fish, to allow the dust from the coral to settle.

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      Take samples of your water to a local aquarium supply shop to be tested. Saltwater aquariums require precise pH balances, which can be affected by coral. Use the necessary chemicals (also available at aquarium supply shops) to balance the water and keep it safe for fish.