How to Move a 55 Gallon Fish Tank

Moving is an arduous task under any circumstances, but planning a move with a family of fish can be even more stressful. A 55-gallon fish tank may seem impossible to move without hurting yourself or your aquatic friends, but don't worry̵2;all it takes is some careful preparation, a trustworthy assistant and some rudimentary supplies. Soon you and your beloved pets will be enjoying your new home together, safe and sound.

Things You'll Need

  • Several 5-gallon buckets with lids
  • Plastic bags
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  1. Instructions

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      Plan on making a special trip to move the aquarium and its inhabitants. Move them in a crowded truck and you risk breaking an expensive tank, and also make it likelier that your fish will be stuck in cramped living conditions for longer. Determine before the move where you will be placing the tank, and have that area prepared. Clear a path from the door to this area.

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      Take as much water with you when you move as possible. This is a hassle, but replacing all 55 gallons of tank water will be a shock to your fish. Fill the 5-gallon buckets 2/3 full and tightly seal them with lids.

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      Remove all your fish tank decorations, gravel and plants. Transport them in a bucket or plastic bag.

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      Scoop out your fish and place them in buckets. If they don't all get along, consider separating them. Loosely slip plastic bags over the tops of these buckets to minimize spills from splashing water while still allowing air to circulate. Keep close track of which buckets contain fish (color-coding is a good idea here).

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      Drain all remaining water from the tank. If the water is unevenly distributed, it could crack the glass of the tank or damage the bottom. Fifty-five-gallon tanks are heavy even without water in them, so enlist a friend to help you carry and move it.

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      Set up the tank in its new location. Pour in the transported water, then reintroduce your fish to the tank. Add as much fresh water as you need to refill the tank completely (conditioning it first if necessary), and replace all decorations and plants you took out.

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      Allow the tank to sit for about half an hour before turning on the heater̵2;this enables the temperature to equalize and makes things easier for the tank's inhabitants. Check on the aquarium periodically to make sure that all the equipment is functioning properly.