The Best Silk Plants for Discus

Discus are shy, sensitive fish that benefit greatly from plants in their tank. Silk plants are easier to maintain than live plants, as they survive the Discus' high water temperatures and will not become overgrown. They stay in place or can easily put back into place after water changes, frequent feedings and if uprooted by the fish. They are available in a wide range of colors, including metallic and neon hues, and will not die.
  1. Sword Plants

    • Sword plants, especially the popular Amazon swords, are ideal for a Discus tank for several reasons. Their height makes them a perfect pick for the center of the tank, with some varieties on the market reaching 12 inches or more. Front areas of the tank can be outfitted with the same plants but in a smaller size. The sword-shaped leaves are thin enough for the plants to sway gently with the Discus's slow movement, yet broad enough to provide an adequate hiding place for these shy fish.

    Other Tall, Thin Plants

    • In addition to the sword plants, a number of other tall, thin plants work well in a Discus tank. Because many Discus aquariums are tall and thin, these plants fit the design scheme perfectly. They also sway gently with the water and fish movement. Ammannia, which comes in different colors and heights, feature a thin stems adorned with a series of oval leaves. Cryptocoryne, also known as the water trumpet, features thin, oblong leaves that will add a bit of contrast to a tank full of sword plants.

    Broad Leaf Plants

    • A few broad leaf plants, such as anubias and lotus, are other good choices for the Discus tank. These plants are shorter and wider than the sword plants, thus providing a nice contrast. They are also ideal for Discus as the broad leaves will offer Discus a safe haven in which to lay any eggs. Plants with broader leaves also provide hiding spots for other fish in the Discus tank.