DIY 120 Gallon Aquarium Stand

An aquarium stand allows you to raise your aquarium from the floor without placing it on top of your other furniture, and provides convenient storage for a sump tank or other aquarium accessories. A 120 gallon aquarium requires a sturdy stand which will not break under its weight. You can construct a suitable stand using 2-by-4 lumber and thin plywood.
  1. Materials

    • Purchase 2-by-4 lumber to build the frame, and plywood to cover the frame. The plywood can be as thin as you like it, and any type of wood, because the 2-by-4s will be providing the actual support. You also need a saw to cut the wood, thick screws, a screwdriver, thin nails and a hammer. If you'd like to add doors to the stand, purchase hinges and handles as well.

      Wear safety goggles, work gloves and appropriate clothing when completing this project to minimize the risk of injury.


    • Many 120 gallon tanks are available in various dimensions or shapes, so the stand must be sized to your particular tank. Cut 4 pieces of 2-by-4 to a length 2 inches longer than your aquarium, and 6 pieces to a length equal to your aquarium's width. Use the thick screws to attach these boards into two matching rectangles, with the shorter boards inside the longer boards. One of the shorter board goes on each end of the rectangle, and one of the shorter boards goes in the middle. These rectangles will form the top and bottom of your frame.

      Cut 6 additional pieces of 2-by-4 to a length of 3 feet. These will be used as posts to hold up the top of the frame. Attach one piece in each of the corners of the stand's top and bottom, using the screws. Attach the remaining to pieces to the centers of the long sides of the rectangles. You should now have a basic rectangular box. To strengthen the box, you can cut additional pieces of 2-by-4 to use as crossbeams, running between posts at a diagonal angle.

      Test this structure by applying weight to the top. Use items that will equal the amount of weight your tank will be when full of water and fish. Do not use the tank (and water) itself in case the structure needs further reinforcement. If the stand is not sturdy, you can install additional posts or crossbeams.

      Cut the plywood to match the size of each side of the stand. If you would like doors on the aquarium, cut them out from the piece of plywood going on the front of the aquarium. Cut two separate doors to avoid the center post. Then reattach these doors using your hinges, and attach the handles. Nail the plywood in place using the thin nails.

      You can improve the appearance of the stand by adding molding around the edges, and by staining or painting the plywood.