Saltwater versus Freshwater
Generally, aquarists find it easier to recreate the natural environment of fresh water fish. Salt water fish require very specific conditions that are often difficult to maintain; this is why salt water fish often have short lifespans when kept in aquariums.
Feeding and Cleaning
Needless to say, all aquarium fish will live longer when they receive the proper care. If you want to increase your fish̵7;s life span, follow its feeding and cleaning instructions carefully.
Territorial Males
You should also be careful to keep males of the same species separated, as they can often be territorial and may injure or kill others.
Common Fish Lifespans
Guppies usually only live for about a year. Bettas and Kissing Gourami will generally live for three to five years. Several species of tetras may live for as long as 10 years.
Catfish and Goldfish
When put in the ideal environment, goldfish and catfish will sometimes survive for as long as 20 years.
Life Expectancy of Aquarium Fish
The lifespan of an aquarium fish varies greatly depending on the species, ranging anywhere from one year to 20. As a general rule, fresh water fish tend to live longer than saltwater fish.