Things You'll Need
- Pump
- Filter
- Air stones
- Heater (if tropical tank)
- Short plants (live or plastic)
- Tall plants (live or plastic)
- Driftwood, if desired
- Gravel
- Aquarium background, cut for size of tank
- Rocks, if desired
- Tank ornaments, if desired
Tape the aquarium background of your choice on the outside back of the aquarium. This will hide wires and equipment from viewers, and create a sense of depth for the fish.
Add gravel, making it shallower in the front and deeper in the back.
Bury your air stone in the gravel. This aerates the gravel and adds interest to your tank. It also effectively hides the air stone.
Place tall plants in the back of the tank. Use the leaves to hide the tubing for the air stone.
Place a tall plant in front of the filter intake. Do not place the plants too close to the intake or else they can clog the filter.
Place a tall plant in front of the heater. Do not place live plants too close because the heater can affect the growth of the plant.
Place shorter plants toward the front, grouping them in clusters of three to five to maximize visual appeal.
Arrange the driftwood, rocks or other decorations in a manner that is appealing to you.