Uses of Aquatic Plants & Animals

Aquatic plants and animals contribute to making an aquarium or pond a healthy, balanced ecosystem. Plants will remove toxins and purify the water, while snails and bottom feeders can be used to keep the tank free of debris.
  1. Significance

    • Fish produce toxins, such as ammonia, that can be fatal in large amounts. Aquatic plants remove these toxins from the aquarium water, especially plants with submerged leaves and water lilies.


    • Oxygenating plants, such as hornwort, grow beneath the surface of the water. They are healthy for fish because they remove toxins from the water and release oxygen into the water, allowing the fish to breath easily.


    • Floating aquatic plants, such as water hyacinth and beautiful lily pads, float on the surface of the water, protecting fish from sunburn and predators. Submerged plants offer a place for shy or timid fish to hide from other fish in the tank.


    • Algae eaters, like plecos, keep the tank clean by eating algae. Bottom feeders, like catfish and loaches, keep the tank clean by eating debris at the bottom of the tank and in the substrate. Snails help keep the aquarium clean by eating algae and debris, but may over populate, eat plants, or be eaten themselves.


    • Plants can become food for vegetarian or omnivore fish. Fish and invertebrates, such as snails, that are small enough to fit in a carnivorous fish's mouth will become food.