Nano Fish Tank Maintenance

A nano tank is a small salt water aquarium. Nano tanks come in sizes ranging from 5 gallons to 30 gallons. Nano tanks can be maintained with out the expensive, larger aquarium equipment, such as chillers, calcium reactors and sumps. The majority of the maintenance on a nano tank can be accomplished with basic aquarium supplies.
  1. Gather Your Supplies

    • Purchase your basic supplies at any local fish store: fish nets, salt water test kit, salt water, 5-gallon bucket, cleaning magnet (to clean the glass), hydrometer and a sponge with a handle

    Test Your Water

    • Using your salt water test kit, test your aquarium's water regularly. This will provide you with valuable information about the parameters of your tank. Watch for early indicators such as high ammonia and nitrate and nitrite levels. Parameters for a healthy tank should be:
      Temperature: 78 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit
      Specific gravity: 1.025
      pH: 8.1 to 8.4
      Alkalinity: 7 to 9 dKH
      Ammonia: 0
      Nitrate: undetectable
      Nitrite: undetectable

      Your salt water test kit and hydrometer will be able to test all of these specific elements.

    Water Changes

    • Change at least three times a month. According to Sam Pol at, this should be done on the 10th, 20th and 30th day of every month; this will help you get into a routine. You will want to change out 10 percent of your water during each water change. Regular water changes will help in removing organic compounds in your tank as well as help maintain the essential elements needed for a healthy tank. You should use premixed salt water from your local fish store, or make your own using reverse osmosis water and a sea salt mix.

    Clean Your Glass and Sand

    • Use your sponge and cleaning magnet to remove algae from the glass of your tank. In doing so, you will limit the amount of organic matter that can build up over time. This will ensure that your water parameters will stay in your desired range. Purchase substrate cleaners for your tank, such as hermit crabs and snails. These creatures will work hard to sift your sand and keep it clean. Remove and rinse filters and bio media in your tank; the build up of organic material can hinder the efficiency of these items. Follow these steps to ensure a healthy and vibrant nano tank.