Sea Monkey Facts

The sea monkeys that are often advertised in the back of comic books and children's magazines depict undersea humanoids with smiling faces, hands and fins, and a long tail. Their fun-loving postures and bright eyes seem to hint at intelligence. Unfortunately, the reality of these tiny creatures is different from this depiction.
  1. Basics

    • Sea monkeys are a unique species of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) that are packaged and sold under the brand name Sea-Monkeys.


    • A variety of sea monkey kits can be bought for between $3 and $23, and include the eggs, food, water treatment and droppers for handling the creatures.


    • Sea monkeys have three eyes, 11 pairs of legs and a tail, but no hands, feet or cute smiles. The male boasts two reproductive organs.


    • The male has two large antennas and the female has one small antenna and a large egg sack.


    • The female can produce 50 to 200 cysts (eggs) every five days. The offspring reach sexual maturity in 12 days if the environmental temperature is 82 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • Commercial Sea-Monkey eggs go through a state of cryptobiosis, a type of suspended animation, and are brought to life with the addition of water.