Do You Need a Pump in Your Tank With Fish?

A pump is one of the most important items needed in an aquarium.
Pumps aid in the oxygenation and aeration of your aquariums water providing a safe livable environment. Finding the pump that is right for you can be difficult at times, especially if you are not familiar with them. Take the time to gather some information, this will make it easy for your local fish store to recommend a pump that will be right for you.
  1. Know Your Aquarium's Specifications

    • Purchase a pump based on the specifications of your aquarium. Determine the size of the aquarium you wish to set up. Size plays a key role in determining the type of pump you will need. Will your tank be fresh water or salt? This too will play a role in pump selection. The types of fish and how many will eventually take up residence in your tank will also be factors.

    Heart of Your Aquarium

    • Air pumps serve as the heart for your aquarium. They work by adding in fresh air in the form of bubbles.
      These bubbles when released into your tank help capture carbon dioxide and bring it to the waters surface. While doing this they also release a fresh stream of air into your tank. The surface of your tank is where the oxygen transfer takes place. Much like our own bodies, good air in bad air out.

    Let the Water Flow

    • Water movement is another essential element in a healthy aquarium. As the air pump releases bubbles of oxygen into your tank, it is also stimulating water flow. Water flow will help reduce the amount of Algae that may build up on the glass of your aquarium, as well as help move organic matter so that it can be filtered out of your tank. Water flow will also help with the distribution of food to your various types of fish.

    Healthy Pump, Healthy Tank

    • In order for your pump to function normally you'll need to take care of it. Over time your pump may slow down. This could be caused by algae or organic matter clogging your pumps impeller, or air flow line.
      If your pump is not working properly then your aquarium is not getting enough oxygen. Poor oxygen production in aquariums can lead to toxic build ups of carbon dioxide in your tank. Familiarize yourself with all the workings of your new pump. Most pumps will be able to be taken apart for cleaning. Make an effort to disassemble and clean your pump at least once a month.

    Power that Drives

    • Most air pumps are used to drive different types of devices in our aquariums. Gravel filters, protein skimmers and even that cute sunken treasure chest, all work off your air pump. Air pumps provide a cheap and soothing way to move your aquariums water. The importance of the air pump should be clear. It is such an important part of your aquarium. Just like you can not survive with out your heart, an aquarium can not survive with out an air pump.