Things You'll Need
- Level
- Safety goggles
- Trim boards
- Pencil
- 3/4-inch plywood
- Tape measure
- 2-by-4-inch boards
- Square
- Nails
- Saw
- Screws
- Drill
- Utility knife
Using your level and square, mark a rectangle on the wall where you want to install the aquarium. Make sure there is an electrical outlet on the same wall close enough for the pump and lights to be plugged in. Also make sure that your wall has studs so it is strong enough to hold an aquarium full of water.
Cut along the mark you made on the wall. Start by using your utility knife. Cut enough so you can insert the hand saw blade, then finish your cutting with that saw. Do not cut into any electrical wiring behind the wall.
Make a frame with the 2-by-4s inside the wall to fit your aquarium. Use nails to fasten the 2-by-4s to the wall studs. This will help reinforce the wall and provide a way for you to secure the aquarium.
Place the aquarium inside the wall on the frame to make sure that it fits correctly. Place your level on the top of the aquarium to make sure that it is plumb.
Place gravel in the bottom of the tank, then any other aquarium decorations. Make sure you leave enough room for the pump and the heater. Do not clutter the tank with too much decoration; this will take away living space for the fish.
Add water and hook up the pump. You should run the pump for at least 12 hours so that the water is well-oxygenated before you add the fish. If you are using tropical fish, a heater is advised.
Finish the wall aquarium. You will need to trim out the tank so there are not any raw edges. Use trim boards that match the trim in the room where the aquarium was installed. This will give the project a professional look.