Types of Fish Aquariums

Fish aquariums are glass or plastic enclosures designed to simulate the natural environment of fish. Aquariums can be customized in many ways, with the main five categories being freshwater, saltwater, brackish, reef and planted aquariums. Each of these types of fish aquariums is unique in the environment it provides and the creatures that it can accommodate.
  1. Freshwater Aquariums

    • Freshwater aquariums emulate pond and lake environments with clear, fresh water treated to remove chloramines and other impurities present in tap water. Freshwater aquariums house goldfish, tropical fish and other freshwater fish varieties such as catfish and frogs. Freshwater aquariums require proper filtration, water chemistry and lighting to create a lifelike environment depending on what fish are being housed inside.

    Saltwater Aquariums

    • Saltwater aquariums are also known as marine aquariums, and they emulate ocean environments for fish that require a certain level of salinity in their water to survive. Marine aquariums can house a wider variety of fish and invertebrates including starfish, corals, eels, crustaceans and exotic fish. Saltwater aquariums are often said to be trickier to care for than freshwater aquariums as the water chemistry must be maintained more precisely for the health of the inhabitants.

    Brackish Aquariums

    • The brackish aquarium is a combination between saltwater and fresh, for fish that prefer some salinity in their water without a full fledged marine environment. Cichlids, for example, prefer water with a salinity level above that of fresh water but below the level found in a marine environment. Maintaining the right level of salinity is vitally important to maintaining the health of your fish.

    Reef Aquariums

    • The reef aquarium is a marine environment designed specifically to suit the growth of coral. The care requirements for a reef aquarium environment are unique depending on the types of coral housed in the aquarium. Different varieties prefer different types of lighting, different levels of salinity and different space. Meeting these requirements is vital to allowing the coral to thrive.

    Planted Aquariums

    • Planted aquariums can be freshwater, brackish or marine in nature, though they are focused on growing plants. Plant tanks can feature fish and other living creatures.