10 Gallon Fish Tank Ideas

A fish tank can be a welcome addition to any room of your home, and if you take good care of the fish and tank, you and your family can enjoy the addition to your lives for many years to come. When setting up a 10 gallon tank, consider the decoration of the tank, the type of fish to use and where it works best in your house.
  1. Set Up

    • Get the essential pieces together: an air pump, a hood with a light, and possibly a heater. Then work on the aesthetics. You can use different rocks on the floor of the tank, from stones to colored rocks to plastic rocks. They come in all shapes and colors, so you can create a natural-looking environment or one that is bright and colorful.

      Add more items to make the tank more interesting and enjoyable for your fish. They often like having a hollow space, like a log or sunken ship. This is especially helpful if one of your fish is a plecostamus, which does not like light. You might also add small signs, real or fake plants, or other decorations.


    • The best fish for a 10 gallon are the easy-to-care-for kind, like goldfish, tetras, or gold barbs. These are community fish, meaning they do well in groups of five or more. They will live a long time as long as the air pump is taken care of a heater keeps the water between 70 and 80 degrees. For a freshwater tank, a plecostamos is a must--he will keep the tank clear of algae.


    • Put your tank near a power source and away from direct sunlight to keep algae at bay. Make sure you use a steady stand.