Aquarium Decorating Ideas

Adding an aquarium to your home gives your family a relaxing view, and it can be educational to children as well. Taking care of pet fish is a responsibility, but decorating the aquarium is a fun project the entire family can enjoy. Aquarium decorations are fairly inexpensive, and a theme can be designed for your pets' living quarters. Pet stores offer a variety of safe decorations that can make an aquarium a wonderful place for your fish to live in.
  1. Places to Hide

    • Fish love to hide inside of aquarium decorations, both for resting and safety purposes. Pet stores offer a variety of buildings such as castles, old ruins or sunken ships that can be placed inside an aquarium. The decorations are perfect for smaller fish such as goldfish. For larger fish, there are rock caves and rock flats, which would be big enough to use as hiding places.

    Adding Color

    • Color can be added to an aquarium with colorful gravel, which is available at most pet stores. The gravel can be purchased in different colors and mixed together, or layered to form an interesting, abstract art piece. Backgrounds for aquariums look almost like wallpaper and are applied to the back wall of the aquarium. This is an ideal way to add interest to the aquarium, especially if it is facing a white wall. Backgrounds come in varieties and can fit into the rest of the aquarium decor theme.

    Natural Habitat

    • Pet fish enjoy swimming through plants or seeking rest in what simulates their natural environment. Plants and coral can be purchased fake, but give your fish the feeling of nature. Driftwood is another way to provide your fish with the element of their natural habitat, but you do not have to place an actual piece of wood in an aquarium. Driftwood pieces, too, can be purchased as ornaments and aquarium safe decorations.