How to Get Rid of Red Algae

Red algae is an orange-red colored slime that builds up inside fish tanks. It is a common nuisance and can be hard to get rid of once it has started to grow. The best way to control red algae is to alter your fish tank to prevent it. Under the right conditions you can remove the algae and it won't grow back.

Things You'll Need

  • Lights Deionized water Gravel vacuum Protein skimmer Pump
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      Increase the intensity of the light in your fish tank. Red algae thrives under a certain amount of light in a specific color spectrum. Increase the amount of light and the color spectrum to find which lights work best to keep red algae out of your fish tank.

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      Change at least 20 percent of the water each month. Use deionized water to stop red algae growth.

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      Use a gravel vacuum to clean the bottom of your fish tank once a month. This removes feces and uneaten food that can lead to red algae growth.

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      Buy an internal or external protein skimmer. This can help prevent red algae, but may be too large or expensive to use as a solution for your fish tank.

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      Check your aquarium pump. A constant flow of bubbles keeps the water oxygenated and circulates it. Red algae will grow in areas of low water flow.

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      Do not overfeed your fish. The uneaten food will decompose on the bottom of the tank and allow algae to grow.