Many times, if you have a mirror that attaches to a wall, you can simply place the fish tank up against that mirror. It will create the effect that there is a mirrored background on the fish tank. Many fish enjoy the sense of companionship they get from a mirrored background.
Visiting a fabric store can inspire you to create a one-of-a-kind fish tank background. Adhere double-sided tape around the edges of the fabric to the back of the fish tank and create any effect you wish for your underwater community.
Kid Inspired
If you have children, a great way to spend family time with them, while giving them a creative outlet, is getting them to create their own custom artwork on construction paper. Using double-sided tape, stick it to the back of the fish tank for a sentimental background your family will love.
DIY: Fish Tank Background
Being in the aquarium hobby is fun and rewarding, not to mention therapeutic. It also opens up the ability for you to be creative by choosing what kind of decor or themes to incorporate with your tanks. Creating your own fish tank background is a great way to start your creative journey in the aquarium hobby.