Things You'll Need
- 2 inches of fine sand or gravel
- Mycid or brine feeder shrimp
Ensure that other pets in your tank are compatible with gobies and pistol shrimp. Otherwise your goby/pistol shrimp pair may endanger or become endangered by them.
Match your pistol shrimp species with a compatible goby species. You can consult your local aquarium expert for which compatible pairs are available. Orange stripe prawn and yellow watchman gobies are compatible with most pistol shrimp species. Purchase simultaneously so they establish territory together. If possible, isolate them in another part of the tank for a few weeks.
Place at least 2 inches of fine live sand or gravel in your tank if you don't already have it, giving the goby enough room to burrow small tunnels. Your tank should also have 30 gallons of water and live rock for the shrimp and goby to hide under.
Feed the pistol shrimp and goby small amounts of mysid and brine shrimp at multiple intervals per day. The goby will aggressively eat it and leave the remains for the pistol shrimp. You can switch to pellets or flakes once the pair establishes their feeding routine.