Things You'll Need
- Aragonite gravel
- Portland cement
- Styrofoam block
Carve the shape of the desired fake live rock into the styrofoam block. Use this as a mold to create the rock.
Mix together one part Portland cement, one part aragonite gravel and two parts water, making aragocrete. This will help coral to attach onto the rock later. Don't worry about air bubbles when pouring the concrete mixture. The porous areas that result from air bubbles will help the spread of coral.
Add water into the aragocrete mixture until it's damp. The mixture should not look muddy.
Place the aragocrete mixture with water into the styrofoam mold. Do not flatten any of the areas, as rocks naturally have bumps on them.
Place the fake live rock mold in sunlight for up to 24 hours before removing it from the styrofoam. The fake live rock can now be placed in a saltwater bath for a week before being introduced to the actual aquarium.