How to Clean an Aquarium With Bleach

Aquariums can begin to experience a buildup of brown and green algae. This is not good for the plants and fish living in the aquarium. Aquariums should have their water changed out once every month. Every other month, you will want to take the aquarium apart and clean each of its pieces, including the aquarium itself. It is best to use bleach, which can kill any bacteria or algae in the aquarium.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot water
  • Measuring cup
  • Rag
  • Window cleaner
  • Paper towels
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    • 1

      Begin by removing everything in the tank. You should scoop out enough water for the fish to swim in while you are cleaning the tank. Place the water in a bowl and then add your fish. Take out the decorations and then the gravel. Remove any filters.

    • 2

      Run your aquarium under hot water. This will help remove a layer of dirt and algae.

    • 3

      Fill your aquarium up with hot water and then pour in 1/2 cup of bleach. For large tanks, use a whole cup of bleach. Allow the aquarium to soak in this mixture for 1 hour.

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      Use a rag to wipe down the inside walls of the aquarium while the hot water and bleach still remain inside of it.

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      Rinse the aquarium clean and then repeat. The second rinse will ensure that there is no bleach residue remaining in the tank.

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      Spray the outside glass of the aquarium with window cleaner and wipe clean with a paper towel. This will make the aquarium sparkle.

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      Replace the filters, rocks and decorations. Refill the tank and allow the filters to clean the new water for 24 hours before returning the fish to the tank.