Where to Buy Discount Fish Tank Supplies

When owning an aquarium of any size, finding discount tank supplies is essential to keeping costs to a minimum. When saving on needed supplies, the extra funds can go to other things such as more fish or attractive decorations. It can be easy to find discount tank supplies if you know where to get started.


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      Check out online stores. Online stores have to charge shipping but the rates can be significantly lower, so much so that even with the shipping added you can still pay just a fraction of the cost of an item. Always try to get everything at one place so you save on the shipping and handling costs. Usually, ordering in bulk is a good idea just for this very reason. Be sure to check out the clearance section at all online stores. Stores such as Pet Solutions and Drs Foster Smith offer discount supplies for fish tanks as well as other pets.

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      Check the classified ads. This may seem like information everyone would know but consider that when people move, they don't always want to take a large aquarium with them. While some will only sell everything as a group, some will be willing to split their items up if it means they can make more money. This will still pass along savings to you by getting equipment and chemicals you might need. Purchasing an entire lot is sometimes less expensive than having to buy one large piece of equipment that you need.

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      Look at garage sales and estate sales. Garage and estate sales are excellent places to find good deals on aquarium equipment and fish tank supplies. You might not always know that they are offering these items unless they have an ad in the newspaper stating so, but if you shop these sales anyway it's a great resource.

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      Look for stores going out of business. Pet stores unfortunately do go out of business from time to time and while this is unfortunate for them, the consumer can receive excellent prices, far below the cost of retail. A store that is closing will offer their stock at a discount price to keep from having to write these items off as a loss. Plan to go there more than once since most stores start at a discount percentage and offer more as the weeks progress.

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      Browse flea markets. Some vendors at flea markets will have nothing but fish tank supplies for you to browse through. While these items may be used or items that are last year's products, you can find stock like fish food and chemicals, decorations, lighting and various other equipment at a very low price.

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      Shop at department stores. Target, Walmart, and Kmart are just a few of the department stores that have fish tank supplies at low prices. While you may not find everything you are looking for or high end stock, you can find the basics such as food and simple lighting. The Christmas season is an excellent opportunity to find deals since some stores offer a full aquarium set up at an affordable price as a seasonal incentive purchase.