How to Know If a Goldfish Is Sick

Owning a pet goldfish isn't always the most simplest of things. Fish, like any other animal can have many problems health-wise. Here are a list of things to look out for when owning a goldfish.


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      Does your goldfish have white spots all over its body? If so, this is a disease called "Ick". Make sure not to confuse this with white spots present only on their fins and gills, as this means they are ready for breeding! Ick is cureable with many medicines found at local pet stores.

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      If your fish acts lifeless and doesn't eat, it could be having serious problems. Only when a goldfish is close to death will it stop eating.

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      If your fish has trouble swimming and balancing and loses control a lot, it may have swim bladder problems. These occur when a fish has eaten too much dry food. When feeding fish, always soak the food first, rather than sprinkling it over the top of the water.

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      If your fish has red or black streaks throughout its body, you may want to check your tank water. High levels of ammonia may be detected and you will have to change your water often at this point. Goldfish need their water cycled often.

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      Does your fish hang out lifelessly at the bottom of your tank? If your fish hardly swims and remains this way, it may be very ill. This too could be a problem with your water.

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      If you find light green or brown round spots on your goldfish it may have a parasite called fish lice. There are medicines found at pet stores for this, but you have to act fast!