Beginner fish are for a novice keeper because they are less susceptible to changes in water conditions and temperature. Cherry barbs, danios, rasboras and corydoras catfish are all good candidates. Start out with half a dozen fish for two weeks and add more later on. These are schooling fish so be sure to purchase at least three of each kind you select.
Add more fish as your ability to maintain the water and temperature improve. Tetras, jewelfish, loach and cory are just a few of the fish you can now introduce to add color to your tank. Spend time in your local pet store to determine which fish you like and talk with the employees to learn about any special care or considerations a species may require.
Move your entire freshwater family into a larger aquarium. As you become an expert keeper, you can start adding bigger, more challenging species, plants and invertebrates. Large freshwater aquariums require more time and maintenance but they payoff with a flourishing, living addition to your home.
Consider breeding fish if your current stock hasn't already made that decision for you. Separate babies from the larger fish in the tank until they are large enough to join the rest of the family or are ready to join another aquarium. Check with a professional to determine the best care for individual species.
How to Stock a Freshwater Aquarium
The addition of a freshwater aquarium to your home adds a splash of color and a calming centerpiece to a living room. A freshwater aquarium is much easier to maintain that the saltwater cousin but still requires special care in the selection of fish you introduce to the tank.