How to Clean and Maintain Saltwater and Freshwater Aquariums

Saltwater and freshwater aquariums have to undergo cleaning regularly to keep fish healthy. The frequency of cleaning depends on the number and type of fish in the aquarium and the size of the aquarium. You should clean the tank at least once per month.

Things You'll Need

  • Algae scrubber
  • Gravel vacuum
  • Bleach
  • Filter cartridges
  • Water conditioner
  • Hydrometer
  • Towel
  • Vinegar
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      Scrub the interior glass using an algae scrubber to remove any visible algae. Algae makes the water look dirty and can make certain fish sick.

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      Change 1/10 of the water. Siphon the water out using a gravel vacuum while you vacuum the waste and leftover food from the gravel.

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      Remove the decorations. Clean them in a solution of one part bleach to ten parts warm water. Rinse the decorations thoroughly.

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      Replace the filter cartridges if necessary. Check filter cartridges once every six to eight weeks.

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      Refill the tank with clean water by reversing the flow on the gravel vacuum.

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      Add water conditioner and salt. Check the specific gravity with a hydrometer if you are cleaning a saltwater tank.

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      Clean the outside glass using a clean towel. You can make a solution of one part vinegar to ten parts water if the outside glass is really dirty.