Can zebra fish live in an aquarium without aerator?

Yes, zebra fish can live in an aquarium without an aerator, provided the water is properly oxygenated. Zebra fish are relatively hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, including low oxygen levels. However, it is important to ensure that the water is well-oxygenated, as low oxygen levels can cause health problems for the fish, such as stress, disease, and even death.

There are several ways to oxygenate the water in an aquarium without an aerator. One way is to use a powerhead or water pump to create water movement. This will help to circulate the water and bring it into contact with the air, which will allow oxygen to dissolve into the water. Another way to oxygenate the water is to add live plants to the aquarium. Live plants release oxygen into the water as a byproduct of photosynthesis, which can help to increase the oxygen levels in the aquarium.

It is also important to keep the aquarium water clean, as this will help to prevent the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can consume oxygen. Regular water changes and the use of a filter can help to keep the water clean.

If you are concerned about the oxygen levels in your aquarium, you can purchase a test kit to measure the oxygen levels. This will allow you to monitor the oxygen levels and ensure that they are within a safe range for your zebra fish.