What do betta fish need to live?

Betta fish are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they require specific care to thrive. Here's a breakdown of their basic needs:

1. Tank Size:

* Minimum: 5 gallons (ideally 10 gallons or more)

* Smaller tanks: Can be challenging to maintain stable water parameters, especially for active bettas.

2. Water Quality:

* Temperature: 78-82°F (25-28°C)

* pH: 6.5-7.5

* Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: 0 ppm (use a test kit to monitor)

* Water Changes: 25-50% weekly

3. Filtration:

* Essential: A filter that provides adequate flow for the tank size, but not too strong for the betta.

* Types: Sponge filters or HOB filters are common choices.

4. Hiding Places:

* Crucial: Bettas are shy and prefer hiding spots.

* Examples: Caves, plants, driftwood

5. Substrate:

* Options: Gravel, sand, or even bare bottom

* Important: Avoid sharp or jagged substrates that could injure fins.

6. Lighting:

* Moderate: Bettas don't need intense light, but they should have some for plant growth (if applicable).

* Hours: 10-12 hours of light per day is sufficient.

7. Food:

* Diet: Primarily carnivorous, feeding on insects, larvae, and other small invertebrates.

* Feed: High-quality betta pellets, flakes, or live foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp) should be offered in small portions twice a day.

8. Tank Mates:

* Generally not recommended: Bettas are territorial and aggressive towards other fish, especially other males.

* Exceptions: Some bettas may coexist peacefully with certain peaceful tank mates, but careful research and observation are crucial.

9. Tank Maintenance:

* Regularly clean: Remove uneaten food and waste, and perform partial water changes weekly.

* Monitor: Water parameters and fish health should be monitored regularly.

10. Enrichment:

* Essential: Betta fish are intelligent and can get bored.

* Ways to stimulate: Floating toys, puzzle feeders, and even mirrors (used sparingly) can help keep them entertained.

Remember: Betta fish can be delicate and require specific care. If you're new to fishkeeping, it's best to research extensively and consult with experienced hobbyists before acquiring a betta.