Can you put a snail in bowl with betta fish?

No, you should not put a snail in a bowl with a betta fish. Here's why:

* Betta fish are predators: Bettas are carnivores and will see the snail as a potential food source. While they might not eat a large snail, they could try to nip at it, causing stress and potential injury to the snail.

* Competition for resources: Both snails and bettas need food and space. Introducing a snail could create competition for these resources, especially in a small bowl.

* Water parameters: Snails and bettas have different water parameter preferences. Snails tend to prefer slightly cooler water, while bettas thrive in warmer temperatures. This can create an environment that's suboptimal for one or both creatures.

* Disease risk: Snails can carry parasites and diseases that could be harmful to your betta.

Instead of putting a snail in with your betta, consider getting a separate tank for the snail. There are many types of snails that make fascinating and low-maintenance pets!