What fish do tetra get along with?

Tetra are generally peaceful and social fish, making them great tank mates for many other species. However, it's important to choose compatible fish based on their size, temperament, and water parameters. Here are some general guidelines for choosing good tank mates for tetra:

Good Tank Mates:

* Other Peaceful Schooling Fish:

* Other tetra species (neon, cardinal, glowlight, etc.)

* Danios (zebra, pearl, giant danios)

* Rasboras (harlequin, glowlight, red-line)

* Platy

* Guppy

* Swordtail

* Molly

* Small, Peaceful Catfish:

* Corydoras catfish

* Bristlenose plecos

* Shrimp:

* Neocaridina (cherry shrimp, etc.)

* Caridina (bee shrimp, etc.)

Fish to Avoid:

* Aggressive Fish:

* Cichlids

* Barbs (some species)

* Larger, predatory fish (like Oscars, Jack Dempsey)

* Fast-Moving or Large Fish:

* Large goldfish

* Angelfish (depending on size and temperament)

Things to Consider:

* Tank Size: Larger tanks provide more space for fish to avoid each other and reduce aggression.

* Water Parameters: Ensure the water parameters are compatible for all fish in the tank.

* Temperament: Observe the behavior of your fish to ensure they are getting along. Some fish may appear peaceful but can be aggressive towards specific tank mates.

* Feeding Habits: Make sure your fish have access to enough food.

* Decor: Provide hiding places for shy or smaller fish to avoid bullying.

Remember: It's always best to do your research on specific fish species before adding them to your tank. Consider the size, temperament, and needs of each fish to ensure a harmonious community.