Type of fish to put in with a betta?

It's great you're thinking about tank mates for your betta! Bettas can be kept with other fish, but it's crucial to choose carefully. Here's a breakdown of compatible and incompatible fish:

Compatible Tank Mates:

* Peaceful, Small Schooling Fish:

* Neon Tetras: Vibrant colors, peaceful, prefer warmer temperatures.

* Ghost Shrimp: Peaceful, can be a source of live food for bettas.

* Harlequin Rasboras: Peaceful, active, add a splash of color.

* Corydoras Catfish: Bottom dwellers, good for cleaning up leftover food.

* Dwarf African Frogs: Peaceful, add variety to the tank.

* Mid-Sized, Calm Fish:

* Otocinclus Catfish: Small, peaceful, good algae eaters.

* Amano Shrimp: Larger than Ghost Shrimp, can be more active.

* Other Bettas (Only with Care): You can house multiple bettas in a large enough tank with plenty of hiding spots, but this is only recommended for experienced fish keepers.

Incompatible Tank Mates:

* Aggressive or Large Fish: Avoid anything that might bully or injure your betta.

* Fin Nippers: Fish like angelfish or certain barbs may nip at your betta's long fins.

* Fast, Quick-Moving Fish: They may stress your betta out and make it harder for them to catch food.

* Fish with Similar Needs: If your betta prefers cooler temperatures, avoid fish that need warmer water.

Important Considerations:

* Tank Size: Bigger is always better for betta tanks. Aim for at least a 5-gallon tank, ideally larger.

* Hiding Spots: Provide plenty of caves, plants, and driftwood for your betta to feel secure.

* Observation: Always closely monitor your fish for signs of aggression or stress.

Before introducing any tank mates, do thorough research on their compatibility with your betta. Be prepared to separate fish if there are signs of aggression.

Remember, every betta is different, so some may be more tolerant of tank mates than others. Always prioritize the well-being of your betta and choose companions carefully.