How to Care for a Sick Beta Fish

Betta fish can easily get sick from contaminated waters, misuse of lighting and sunlight, too much or not enough food and many other easily overlooked situations. When caring for a sick betta fish it is important to note the symptoms they are having, isolate the fish, and get the proper medication. Be sure to always monitor your betta fish; if a betta fish gets sick and it goes unnoticed, it could die in a short amount of time.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 gallon fish bowl
  • Betta medication
  • Betta fish flakes
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    • 1

      Note the symptoms you see in your betta fish. Look for characteristics like abnormal eating patterns, more or less activity, the fish's color, and sores or cuts in the fish's tail, gills and stomach.

    • 2

      Isolate the fish in a separate 1-gallon fish tank with the same tank water. Using fresh water may put the fish into shock. Empty out 75 percent of the water in the old tank and fill it with clean water and clean the filter and any decorations that were in it.

    • 3

      Find a medication or treatment for your fish's disease or illness. For example, a fungus eliminator will cure many infections to the fish's body and scales. Ampicillin and Tetracycline are also common medications for betta diseases and infections.

    • 4

      Apply the medication immediately to the fish according to the manufacturer's instructions. Monitor the fish daily and look for an increase or decrease in the fish's symptoms.

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      Feed your betta fish a pinch of betta flakes a day and keep the tank out of direct sunlight.