Betta Fish & Flower Arrangements

Betta fish have been used in flower arrangements for several years. However, this practice may lead to the untimely death of these beautiful creatures. If you do plan to use your betta in a flower arrangement, there are a few things you should know in order to ensure that your fish is happy and healthy in its new home.
  1. Identification

    • Bettas are members of the gourami family of fish. These tropical fish come in a multitude of colors from deep greens and reds to pale blues and violets. Bettas are anabantoids, which means bettas can take in air on the water̵7;s surface. This ability is why some owners mistakenly believe that bettas do not need proper aeration in their tanks. They are a hardy fish, capable of surviving in conditions that might send other fish floating upside down at the top of the tank in days.

    Flower Arrangement Myth

    • Bettas in vases have become a common office theme. Many weddings and parties feature bettas as living art in table decorations. These vases usually consist of a betta swimming in circles at the bottom of a vase filled with water while a peace lily rests on top. Creators of these decorations mistakenly believe that bettas are satisfied in these tiny environment of stagnant water and plant roots. However, bettas require the same living conditions as other tropical fish.

    Ample Space

    • It is a common misconception that bettas like being housed in extremely small spaces when, in fact, the small tanks where bettas reside are the result of the male̵7;s aggressiveness toward other males. To save space, pet stores use tiny tanks to separate the males until they are purchased and put into larger tanks. Bettas actually require a tank no smaller than 2 1/2 gallons in order to have enough space to swim happily. Females can usually be housed together if ample hiding areas exist in the tank.

    Proper Diet

    • Though a betta in a flower arrangement will eat the roots of the plant if no other food is available, it is actually a carnivore. Feeding your betta a wider range of food will help enhance its color and health. Give your betta commercial betta pellets and a combination of shrimp or fish meal, bloodworms, mosquito larvae and vitamins.

    Warm Tank

    • Because bettas are tropical fish, their tanks should be kept between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, you should keep your betta tank in a warm environment or purchase a tank heater.

    Suitable Plants

    • Peace lilies are not a suitable plant for a betta tank. Use tropical plants such as Amazon and Argentine sword, Hygrophila polysperma, java fern or Vallisneria spiralis. Not only will your betta appreciate plants suitable for its environment, if you have a group of females in one tank, they will appreciate being able to hide from each other between the leaves.