How to Choose Plants for a Betta Fish

Betta fish are popular and supremely recognizable for the large fins and bright, unique colorations of the males. These fish are generally kept on their own in small-scale fish tanks. Adding plants to those tanks adds both beauty and a source of oxygen, and seeks to recreate the betta's natural habitat.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish tank
  • Water
  • Substrate
  • Plants
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    • 1

      Set up your betta tank before you introduce the betta. Since they live on their own and are relatively clean fish, bettas don't normally require filtration in their tanks. Set up a betta tank with a substrate like gravel or rocks, and choose plants that are appropriate for the betta and your preferences.

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      Provide many plants for the betta to hide in. Because bettas live among plants in nature, providing them in an aquarium will make the fish more comfortable. Choose plastic plants if you want to keep the water cleaner longer. Plastic plants will last longer and can be readily cleaned with a cloth and water.

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      Choose live plants or a more natural look, and to oxygenate the water. Some live plants are poisonous to bettas, so use caution. Chinese evergreen, philodendrons, photos plants, water sprites, java ferns and peace water lilies are all good plants for bettas.

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      Bury the roots of your plants in the substrate, fill the tank with clean water and introduce your betta to its new environment.