Provide a living space that reminds it of its original habitat. Bettas hail from Thailand, where they lived in the shallow waters of the rice paddies. Because they are able to come up to the water's surface in order to get air, they were able to thrive even though the water was stagnant. This means that you can use a small bowl without an aeration system or an aquarium filer, but you should provide some artificial foliage to simulate the leafy paddies. The plant shouldn't be so large that it takes up nearly all the room in the bowl, as your betta fish still needs some space to swim around. A happy betta will spend much of its time hiding among the leaves, just as it would in its natural habitat.You can use a live plant in place of an artificial one, but be sure that it won't be harmful or toxic to your betta fish. If you're not sure about the best kind of plant to buy, go to an aquarium store and ask for advice.
Make sure you have a clean bowl. Because bettas can live in relatively small quarters, changing the water regularly won't be much of a chore. Your betta fish won't be too happy if you suddenly plop it into new water that is too warm or too cold. To prevent a shock, keep a large pitcher or jar filled with water to use for the changes. That way, you'll always have room temperature water on hand so your happy little betta fish will barely notice the change. Your betta fish's home should be changed at least once a week, or more often if it starts to look cloudy or dirty.
Don't use distilled water for your betta fish. You might think you're doing it a favor, but distilled water is actually very unhealthy for a fish. This type of water is actually too "pure" for maintaining a betta fish because it has had all of its minerals removed. Tap water is usually fine, although you may need to treat it to remove the chlorine.
Use a bowl with a cover to house your betta fish in order to keep it safe. Otherwise, it might inadvertently jump out of the water and die before you discover it. Many pet shops sell special bowls or miniature tanks specifically for betta fish that have a built-in cover.
Provide appropriate amounts of food. If you give it too much food, it will simply refuse to eat the excess. The extra food will dirty the water and create an unhealthy environment for your betta fish. To prevent this, feed your betta only as much food as it will eat completely in a couple of minutes. It may take a little experimentation, but you'll soon be able to judge the right amount.
Feed your betta fish at least once a day. You can split its food and feed it twice if you prefer, but only one feeding is necessary to keep a betta healthy and happy. You can purchase a complete betta food at just about any pet shop or aquarium store.
How to Keep a Betta Fish Happy
Almost anyone can keep a betta fish alive if they feed it regularly and change its water, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the betta will be healthy and happy. Bettas are relatively easy to care for, but it takes a little bit more than fresh water and a pinch or two of food to keep it in the best condition.