How to Choose a Home for a Betta Fish

Betta fish are beautiful and relatively easy to care for. The make terrific pets for home or office because they don't generally need complicated filtration and lighting systems. They do have some specific needs though to consider when buying a bowl or tank for a betta. If you want to have a successful betta experience, take this advice when choosing a home for a betta fish.


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      Determine if you want to have one or two betta fish. Most people select male fish as they have more exotic and beautiful fins. If you want to have a breeding pair of two bettas, select a tank with a divider or two separate tanks. Both types are readily available at pet stores like Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus.

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      Look for a bowl or tank with a cover. Many shops offer fancy betta tanks or common fish bowls without covers and this is a mistake for a betta. Bettas are jumpers and need a lid or cover to keep them from committing bettacide. Always get a covered tank or bowl for a etta, no matter how tempting the more fashionable bowls or tanks might be.

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      Choose a roomy tank or bowl. Although bettas can live in a cup of water, as they are displayed for purchase at most stores, they do like to spread their fins a bit and will flourish in a bigger bowl. One to three gallons is nice but even a five gallon tank will keep a betta active and healthy. Remember, with bigger tanks you'll want to use a regular filtration system so clean up will be easy. Try Whisper filters, which come in a variety of sizes.

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      Avoid the Peace Lily or plant and betta combo. These setups mislead buyers into thinking they never have to feed or change the water for their betta. This is wrong as bettas need to eat, so forget about the easy-care pitch and go for a more traditional fish tank setup.

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      Avoid the hanging fish tanks that work with a suction cup. Inevitably the suction lets loose and your betta will go flying.