How to Help Betta Fin Regrowth

Fin rot is a bacterial infection that affects the fins of betta fish. It can result from a variety of factors such as an unclean living environment, unhealthy fish or an overcrowded tank. Telltale signs of fin rot include tiny holes in the fins, inflammation, frayed edges with black, white or red outlines and portions of fins breaking off in chunks. If left untreated, fin rot can spread to the rest of your betta̵7;s body and destroy it. Encourage fin re-growth by treating fin rot as soon as you observe tiny holes or frayed edges on the fins. Fin restoration is a positive indicator that the bacteria are eliminated and your fish is on the road to recovery.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish tank
  • Chlorine remover
  • Rock salt
  • Antibiotics and anti-fungal medication
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      Isolate your betta in a separate fish tank. Doing so will enable you to easily treat your fish and monitor its progress. Keep the water warm, maintaining the temperature at around 80 degrees F.

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      Change the water daily for a period of one week. Do a hundred-percent water change, and add a chlorine remover to the fresh water. Regular water change will reduce the bacteria in the water and reverse fin loss.

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      Add rock salt to the freshly changed water. Thoroughly dissolve the rock salt in a bowl of de-chlorinated water prior to introducing it to the tank. Use one tablespoon of rock salt for every five gallons of water. Rock salt aids fin regeneration by effectively destroying any bacteria or fungus that may be present in the water. Avoid adding iodized salt, as it is toxic to fish.

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      Treat your betta with antibiotics and anti-fungal medication if the fin rot persists. You can purchase tetracycline, ampicillin, maracin or jungle fungus eliminator from pet fish stores.