Can a Betta Live With a Goldfish?

Fish are among the most common household pets. Among fish, few are more common than goldfish and Bettas. While most fish can live together without incident, the aggressive nature of Bettas can raise questions regarding shared habitats. In short, Bettas and goldfish should not be housed together. To understand why, however, it is worth learning more about each of these types of fish individually.
  1. Beta Facts

    • The Betta fish, also commonly referred to as the Siamese fighting fish or Betta, originates in Asia. The Betta is a colorful tropical fish that lives in fresh water. This shy, good-natured fish is also a carnivore that cannot always live peacefully in a tank with its own kind. If you place a mirror up to the side of your betta̵7;s aquarium, your beta will see its reflection, assume it is a threat and start to fan out its gills. Betta fish love to hide, so the addition of caves and natural plants is recommended for their habitat.

    Goldfish Facts

    • The goldfish is a mild-mannered and easy-to-care-for fish that is a popular choice for children. The goldfish is a descendant of the Asian carp and can live up to 25 years if well cared for, although normal lifespan for a goldfish is closer to 10 years. There are several goldfish breeds that include the common goldfish, the Commet, the Celestial and the Fantail. Goldfish cannot close their eyes and can be found sleeping at the bottom of the tank with their eyes wide open.

    Betta-Goldfish Compatibility

    • It is recommended that you keep your Betta fish and your goldfish in separate tanks for several reasons. Goldfish need cooler water for survival, while the betta fish typically need warmer water temperatures. Goldfish tend to pollute the water tank very quickly, while Bettas do not; further, Betta fish enjoy a clean tank. The two fish also have different diets, which would make for difficulty feeding both types in the same tank. Betta fish typically grow to only 1 or 2 inches, while a goldfish can grow much larger. To put it simply, the Betta could very well end up being the goldfish̵7;s dinner one day.

    Fish Compatible with Bettas

    • Wild or feeder guppies would be good tank mates for a Betta fish, but you will need to avoid the fancy guppy, as its bright colors might trick the beta into thinking the guppy is another Betta. Neon Tetra fish can sometimes be compatible with a Betta, as they tend to like the same water temperature and the abundance of plants that Bettas enjoy. Rasboras, Gouramis, Cichlids, Swordtails, Algae Eaters and Platys should all be avoided.