What Can You Put With Bettas?

Bettas (Betta splendens), or Siamese fighting fish, are highly territorial with each other. However, they̵7;re typically docile with other, nonaggressive species of fish, as well as African dwarf frogs and snails, and thrive in community tanks. Two male bettas should never be kept together, as they̵7;ll fight to the death. Their fighting posture is displayed by flaring their gills and raising their fins. Conversely, females can be combined in groups of three or more. In contrast with females, males have deep and sometimes iridescent colors and long fins.
  1. African Dwarf Frogs

    • African dwarf frogs (Hymenochirus curtipes) are completely aquatic and never leave the water. Although they may venture to the top of an aquarium, they̵7;re generally found near the bottom. African dwarf frogs are energetic, yet peaceful, and adapt well to many species of docile fish. They have an insatiable appetite and will eat nearly anything. However, they prefer bloodworms and brine shrimp.

    Apple or Black Mystery Snails

    • Apple snails or golden mystery snails (Pomacea canaliculata), as well as black mystery snails, (Pomacea ampullariidae) are exceptionally passive. They̵7;re typically inactive during the day and crawl along the gravel and aquarium glass in search of food at night. Since they̵7;re omnivores, they act as scavengers and remove algae, uneaten food, fish waste or dead fish from tanks. They should be kept in aquariums of 10 gallons or less.

    Corydoras Catfish

    • The Corydoras catfish, albino/bronze corydoras (Corydoras aeneus), or panda corydoras (Corydoras panda) make excellent additions to most community tanks because of their peaceful disposition, and their ability to clean an aquarium. They're bottom dwellers and continually search for uneaten food.

    Clown Loaches

    • Clown loaches (Botia macracanthus) require clean, stable water conditions and aren't recommended for beginning fish keepers. However, they are peaceful and interesting to watch, due to their acrobatic performances and somewhat charismatic personalities. Clown loaches eat food that settles near the bottom of tanks and can help in keeping them clean. They adapt well to community aquariums when kept in pairs. They need periodic solitude, so require a log or decorative object to hide in.

    Golden Barbs

    • Golden barbs (Barbus semifasciolatus) or other species of barbs other than the tiger barb, which tend to nip at long fins, can be kept with bettas. Golden barbs are hardy fish and easy to care for by beginning aquarists. They shouldn̵7;t be kept in aquariums with live plants, since they̵7;ll eat them. Their behavior is most docile in schools of five or more.

    Neon or Cardinal Tetras

    • Neon tetras (Paracheirodon innesi) are beautiful because of their red and bright blue stripes that appear to glow under aquarium lighting. Water cleanliness must be consistently maintained, because they̵7;re a fragile species of fish. They should be housed in groups of six or more, and are striking as they swim in tight-knit schools. Cardinal tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are similar to neon tetras, however; their red stripes extend the full length of their bodies. Both species are exceptional community tank fish.


    • Plecostamus (Hypostomus punctatus) are generally amicable with other fish but may be aggressive toward their own species. Often referred to as the ̶0;pleco,̶1; it's an algae eater and spends the majority of its time stuck to the sides of aquariums using its suction-type mouth that resembles catfish.

    Zebra Danios

    • Zebra danios (Brachydanio rerio) are hardy and tolerant of a wide variety of water conditions. Although lively and active, they are peaceful community tank members. Behavior problems such as fin nipping can occur if their groups fall below a school of six or more.