How Much Water Does a Betta Fish Require?

Not only are betta fish beautiful animals --- coming in a variety of colors, and with fanned fins --- but they also require less care than other aquatic pets. Yet even the hardy betta fish has some basic requirements for a healthy life, including its tank size and water needs. While some people believe the animal needs only a small amount of water to live in, bettas actually flourish in larger habitat sizes.
  1. Tank Size

    • Although some people believe betta fish can live happily in small bowls, the fish actually requires at least one-half gallon of water. In fact, the fish will thrive in a tank that's three gallons or larger. This size aquarium will give the fish enough space to swim around, as well as for adequate dilution of waste material. Larger tanks will provide more stable water parameters, which can help your fish live a healthier life and cut down on water maintenance.

    Water Quality

    • Betta fish naturally live in shallow ponds, rice paddies and slow-moving streams. When keeping a betta fish in captivity, it's important to try and recreate this habitat in the aquarium. Keep the water temperature around 70 to 82 degree Fahrenheit. Maintain a neutral pH balance of 7. Because the betta fish has a specialized labyrinth organ, the fish can breath air from the surface. Therefore, you should keep the tank's water calm at the surface. Avoid using filters or pumps that create flow and surface agitation.

    Water Changes

    • The smaller the tank the betta fish is living in, the more frequently you must change its water. For example, a 1-gallon aquarium should be changed weekly, while anything smaller than that should be changed every three to four days. Before replacing the water, let the fresh water sit out over night. This will allow it to adjust to room temperature, as well as evaporate any chlorine present in the water. If your city's water supply uses chemicals, treat the water with an aquarium detoxifying solution before adding it to the tank.


    • Some people believe that betta fish naturally live in small puddles, and can therefore flourish in just a few cups of water. In reality, betta fish only live in puddles out of necessity during the dry season, when the rice paddies' and streams' waters recede. Even then, these ecosystems are equipped to naturally break down the animal's waste. During the majority of the year, the fish live in bodies of water that are a hundreds or thousands of gallons large. Even though some fish stores sell bettas in small containers, that doesn't mean that's a suitable aquarium size for the fish.