How to Breed Tetras

Tetra fish are a favorite of many home aquarium hobbyists and breeding the species provides an opportunity to increase aquarium stock while witnessing the life cycle of the fish. Tetras require a good deal of care and patience when breeding. The aquarium water must be maintained so harmful chemicals are removed and specific feeding needs must be met. Although raising tetras does require a commitment of time, the enjoyment from watching the colorful fish provides a well earned reward.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium with filter and heater
  • Black plastic
  • Java moss
  • Baby brine shrimp
  • Flake fish food
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      Acquire at least a dozen young fish for breeding stock, placing the fish in an aquarium that is at least 5 gallons in size and contains water with no traces of ammonia, nitrate or nitrite. Use test strips to confirm the clarity of the water before introducing the fish to the aquarium.

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      Cover the sides of the aquarium with black plastic and install a side-mounted filter for cleaning. Place java moss on the bottom of the tank and set the tank heater at just below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a lid on the tank and locate the aquarium out of direct light.

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      Remove the fish after spawning and relocate them to another aquarium. Then remove the artificial spawning material from the tank, shaking it into the water to free any eggs that may be caught in it. Cover the top of the tank with cardboard or black plastic and leave the tank in darkness for five days. It is during this time that the eggs will hatch and the small fry emerge.

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      Begin to feed the fry on the sixth day, adding a ball of java moss to the tank. The moss contains microscopic life that the fry will naturally eat. Introduce baby brine shrimp as a food source after three days and continue to feed the brine shrimp several times a day for several weeks. Then you can introduce powdered flake food to their diet. The fry should grow big enough to move into a tank with adult fish in approximately 3 months.