Things You'll Need
- Large tank
- Betta food flakes
- Bloodworms
- Blackworms
- Brine shrimp
- Mashed green peas
- Tubifex worms
- Small heater
- Treasure chest
- Fish cave
- Plastic plant
Switch to a larger fish tank. Bettas are capable of surviving in tanks as small as half a gallon, but they won't be happy if they don't have room to swim around. A 2 1/2 to 5-gallon tank is ideal and sure to please your scaly pet.
Change up what you feed your betta instead of boring it with the same betta food flakes each day. Betta fish can eat bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp, mashed green peas and tubifex worms. The worms and shrimp can be fed to the bettas either live, frozen or freeze-dried.
Heat the water in your betta tank. Betta's are tropical fish that will not be happy in temperatures below 70 degrees F. In fact, 75 to 80 degrees F is preferred by most betta fish. You can obtain a small heater at the pet store that sold you the fish.
Keep your male betta in its own tank. If you have a female betta, it can live with other females peacefully. Male bettas will not be happy in a tank that contains any other betta fish, including other males. You can identify the males by their longer bodies and fins. Females are much shorter in both body and fin.
Add toys to your betta tank. Betta fish are very curious and would love the chance to explore any toys you place in the fish tank. This can include a toy treasure chest, fish cave or plastic plant. Just make sure whichever toys you choose are not so narrow that your betta fish will get stuck in them.