Appearance: Herring are typically larger than smelt, with some species reaching lengths of up to 18 inches. Smelt are smaller, with most species reaching lengths of only 4-8 inches. Herring also have a more streamlined body shape, while smelt are more rounded.
Coloration: Herring are typically silver in color, with a bluish or greenish back. Smelt are also silver in color, but they have a more yellow or golden hue. They also have a dark stripe running along the length of their body.
Diet: Herring are omnivorous, and they feed on a variety of plankton, small fish, and crustaceans. Smelt are also omnivorous, but they primarily feed on plankton and small invertebrates.
Habitat: Herring are found in both coastal and open ocean waters. They are most commonly found in schools near the surface of the water. Smelt are found in both fresh and saltwater habitats. They are most commonly found in estuaries and bays, but they can also be found in rivers and lakes.
Spawning: Herring spawn in the spring and summer months. They typically spawn in shallow water, and they release their eggs in a gelatinous mass. Smelt also spawn in the spring and summer months. They typically spawn in deeper water, and they release their eggs individually.
Commercial Importance: Herring are a commercially important fish, and they are caught for both food and fish meal. Smelt are also a commercially important fish, but they are more commonly used for bait.